6 Websites to Use to Research Your Next Employer

Before you waste an hour or more applying for a job, take 10-15 minutes to research the company first. I know it can be tempting to apply ASAP to “get it over with.” But there are 3 reasons you should take the time to research the company first. You may find that… The job doesn’t …

Prepare for Your Military to Civilian Transition

Prepare for Your Military to Civilian Transition More workers than ever are voluntarily leaving their jobs. Last year we called “The Great Resignation” and it’s a global trend that has been steadily increasing to September’s all-time high of 3% that was released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on November 5. In other words, …

3 Steps to Take BEFORE You Start Looking for a New Job

#1-Ask yourself, why don’t I enjoy this job right now? Just like a long-term relationship a job can go stale, especially when you start "going through the motions." We’ve all been there, sitting at our desk and wanted to do anything besides work. Take this time to reflect and determine why you’re ready for a …

Top 10 Pinterest Boards to Follow to Enhance your Job Search

Here are the 10 #Pinterest Boards every savvy job-seeker should be following: #1-Career Confidence If you are an HGTV fan then compare your resume, cover letter, reference sheet to your "Curb Appeal." #2-Business and Career Advice Helpful tips for how to get a new job or perform better in the job that you already have. …