Our 12 Favorite Books to Boost Your Career (From the Career Confidence Resume Team)

Professionals seeking employment opportunities are some of the hardest-working people I know. Not only do they want to find a new job, but they are also eager to learn how they can make meaningful contributions to their employers. As a professional resume writer for the past 10+ years, hundreds of clients have asked me to …

Prepare for Your Military to Civilian Transition

Prepare for Your Military to Civilian Transition More workers than ever are voluntarily leaving their jobs. Last year we called “The Great Resignation” and it’s a global trend that has been steadily increasing to September’s all-time high of 3% that was released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on November 5. In other words, …

How to Access Your Military Training & Personnel Records

At Career Confidence LLC, we create resumes from scratch approximately 70% of the time. When we create a military to civilian resume from scratch we ask for the following, your Performance Reports (NCOERs, OERs, EPRs, OPR, or FitReps), your award citations, and your military records. In this article, we will break down step-by-step how to access your military records.

Identify Your Military to Civilian Job Objective with these 4 Questions

Welcome to Military to Civilian Career Boot Camp where you’ll learn everything veterans need to know to prepare for success in your new civilian career. The first thing we will talk about in this “Boot Camp” is Professional Communication. Now that you have a strong communication platform established for your job search, you may think you’re …

7 Actionable Steps for Military Transitioning into the Civilian Workforce

Your leadership and management experience are tremendously valued in the civilian workplace. The value and volume of the personnel and $ amount in assets you’ve managed can be astonishing to some civilians and should certainly get you a seat at the interview table. These steps will help you feel more prepared in your military to …