Top 6 Military & Veteran Resume Writing Services

Top 6 Military & Veteran Resume Services

Top 6 Military and Veteran Resume Writing Companies This article will cover the Top 6 Military & Veteran Resume Writing Services, and serve as a comprehensive guide. This article will also delve into each provider’s strengths, pricing, and unique offerings. Learn how these specialized services can help veterans transition smoothly to civilian careers, ensuring their …

How to Write a Military to Civilian, Accomplished Focused Resume (with 10 Specific Examples)

Writing a Military to Civilian Resume that focuses on your accomplishments is easier than you think. I’ll show you how and provide actionable advice and plenty of examples without the fluff. First, gather your important career information. Gathering information allows you to reflect on all your military accomplishments, training, and education. Thinking about your military …

Audit 2019 to Strategically Update Your Résumé for 2020

Have you taken inventory of your career progress in 2019? Let me provide you with an actionable goal worksheet to help audit 2019 to strategically update your résumé for 2020. Enhance your personal brand and determine top priorities to make 2020 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER.  First, the best way to start your year is to …

How to Answer The #1 Most Common Interview Question (For Military)

This question is likely to be the very first question asked, so let’s dive right into the #1 Most Common Interview Question: 1. Tell Me About Yourself? Does this question instantly make you tense up? It’s meant to!!! This question is meant to be broad and make you sweat a little, employers want to see …

5 Hacks to Streamline Your Job Search (Save over 1 hour per week)

1. Let Google Do The Work For You! By spending a few minutes in Google Chrome’s settings, you can instantly start your job search on the right track. You can have separate users on Google Chrome based on your Gmail address. At one point I had three distinct Gmail addresses, one for each business or …

3 Steps to Take BEFORE You Start Looking for a New Job

#1-Ask yourself, why don’t I enjoy this job right now? Just like a long-term relationship a job can go stale, especially when you start "going through the motions." We’ve all been there, sitting at our desk and wanted to do anything besides work. Take this time to reflect and determine why you’re ready for a …